Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moving Day

I've decide to let bigons be bigons. I'm scared about this move. I never thought I'd get the guts to do it. I figured maybe he'd move out on his own. I like everything strategrically planned. I have no plan, no idea where I'm going. Few places I could go. I could get another apartment but I need to be financially stable befor I get out there on my own. I hate to need people, but I need them more than ever.

I can't continue on like this. I think I'm more concerned because I know he has no where to go. But he's been knowing for months that I fed up. No change. Shyt swim or sink. I can't keep being nice getting myself hurt. Plus I'm interested in someone for the first time, in a long time. I can't expect this man to be serious, when I'm laid up. I have to close this chapter in my life to move forward.

But I'm moving. Wish me luck on my journey!!