Monday, December 14, 2009

dangerously not in love...

Me and my ex still currently live together. sometimes when we are angry at eachother we'll kinda have a clowning session, but in a sarcastic serious tone. Well the other night i guess i went to hard clowing on his premature bald spot and he went hard on me. The things he said saying was so hurtful I felt my heart break. i immediately seperated myself from the situation and the livingroom. I laid in the bed and cried. I couldn't allow myself to let him hear me cry.I didn't want him to have that power over me, to know he could hurt me with words. I couldn't let him know he'd broken me down. I couldn't let him see my gaurds down; with heart laying on my shoulder and I damn sure didn't want him to feel sorry out of pity. I use to believe we loved eachother, but this aint love. They say there is a the line between love and hate. I've witnessed it first hand on my own house.This broken relationship is getting dangerous.......